I served from March 1995 - Oct 1996. Some of my favorite mission memories include visiting/ singing with Sorella Patronus(?) -what was her last name again - we all got our picture with her) in Torino, the weekly radio segment in Biella ("Speak Easy" with Young Missionaries on the Air), finding people by way of a "sondaggio" with Sorella Cox in the huge parco in Monza, waking up to Bon Jovi when we had to live with the Nicotra family for a few weeks before our apt. was ready, jogging with Sorelle Ryan & Olsen in Milano 1, weekly visits to the dentist to repair Sorella Romano's teeth that she broke while bicycling under my lead (perdonami Sorella), singing with Sorella Landro and the mega musical production in Biella, Corso d'Inglese pizza party (what a disaster! - why did 50 people show up out of nowhere?), service at the nursing home, long chats with all of my companions, Sorella Palmisano's tuna and hot dog pizzas, and the baptism of Tiziana Conto in Milano with Sorella Ryan (a true miracle).
Miracles have continued to touch my life because of the mission. Two years ago, I met a young guy in Omaha, NE from Biella visiting extended family for a few months (of all places). We were both part of the "Italian Language Meetup Group." Naturally, we became instant friends because of our Biella/ Italian connection. After a few months of friendship, a visit to AZ, CA, church, dinner at my in-laws, and the WQ Mormon Trail Center, he returned to Biella. I visited him later that year and invited him to church with me. I gave him a Book of Mormon. He came and never stopped coming. He hit it off with the missionaries and got baptized the summer of 2007. To date, this stands out as the most profound, natural, and enjoyable missionary experience of my life. I'm grateful that the Lord would allow me to take a small part in His work.
I currently live in Brooklyn, NY with my husband of 4.5 years, Peter Nelson, who is pursuing an oral surgery residency. We were in Omaha, NE for the past few years for his dental school, and we will probably return to my native AZ after residency. We both love being members of the church and for the truths of the gospel that bring light and joy to our lives. Ciao tutti!
Allison Reynolds Nelson