A little about my family. I have a terrific, lovely, marvelous, talented, intelligent..etc. wife (Angie) who actually puts up with me. We also have three little urchins, Brent (6), Emmaline (5), and Eliza (2). We have one more on the way which should be arriving via FedEx (Angie only wishes) the first week of October. However she has a history of delivering up to a month early so it could really be a Labor Day baby (if she sees this email she is going to hit me). I am currently the HR Manager at a Sherwin Williams aerosol manufacturing site, and my lovely wife carries on a far more important role staying home with the rug rats. It is a hard task to pick a favorite experience, there are so many...I remember when Elder Holland came and spoke to us, out of the blue, because he was prompted by the spirit to take a detour and visit us with a message he didn't know of until he stood and spoke to us. I have notes of this experience and the overarching theme, that which he opened and closed with was the love our Father in Heaven has for us. He stated "Nothing matters as much as to tell you you're loved." He then told us to give everything for the work and we are not the person we were before the mission, don't act like that person. Do everything you know how to do to keep the Spirit with you." and finally "Kick when you don't want to kick!" I remember the love and friendship of Sorella Angela Biundo and Dominico and Stephan in Monza. As well as many others, some of whom were ostracized because of their conviction and dedication to the Gospel. The choice experiences with members and non-members alike. Danielle and Giuseppe Vitagliano in Asti who are going to have a baby here in the States this fall, who continue to visit and are "dry Mormons" if I ever saw any.
I remember the love and unity we all shared together. The sweet and sacred experiences that bring tears to my eyes even as I type this. I wish with all my heart to be able to be there this Saturday with "all y'all".
Please give everyone my love and make fun of all my comps! I miss you guys!
Vi voglio un sacco di bene!
Anziano Eric Bowler, Angie, Brent, Emmaline, Eliza, and some unnamed creature.